9 min

Why eCommerce sites should switch to apps (Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce)

December 23, 2021
Why eCommerce sites should switch to apps (Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce)
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If you are among the people who are about to rebuild their ecommerce and wonder whether to choose Magento or Shopify or some other eCommerce platform or you are not satisfied with the performance of your eCommerce and want to know some tips for the future, read the rest of the post first and then decide what is best to do.

In the post we include some insights that you should memorize:

  1. Looking at e-commerce in china from the west is almost like looking into the future.
  2. Demand drives innovation. Ecommerce business models and tactics are more advanced in china than in the united states, and are beginning to be adopted everywhere.
  3. Everyone knows that china is good at manufacturing. This has been true for decades. What has changed is that in the last five years, chinese companies have caught up with, and in some cases surpassed, the rest of the world in their understanding of the consumer experience in e-commerce.

Why is this information important?

Because we are used to look towards the United States to understand how the market will look in the future, but in eCommerce it doesn't work like that anymore, the market is represented by Chinese eCommerce, who experiment and find innovative solutions that bust the international market.

Well, the reason behind this sudden shift from online stores to mobile apps is the convenient, easy and magnetizing eShopping experience. Consumers are always attracted to unique online products that meet their preferences and needs. In addition, the ease of browsing and ordering products, anytime and from anywhere, gives more exposure to online sellers.

But if this information isn't enough to change your mind, how about throwing a look at India?

Yes ok maybe you think, INDIA, but does it look like it? But it is good to remember that we are talking about a country in strong expansion that according to many economists, will become the first economy in the world in 2050, surpassing China that will reach the top in 2030.

Let's take a concrete example "Myntra" the leading Indian e-tailer of FASHION and LIFESTYLE. Already since 2016 it has carried out a gradual migration to an APP-only eCommerce, at the moment it still has a desktop version, while for Flipkart, the Indian version of Amazon, has switched to APP only.


Flipkart, owned by Myntra, embraced the app-only model and shut down its desktop and mobile websites. It later recreated its mobile site for some sections with the purchase option still limited to the app. Myntra also launched the "Myntra Fashion Superstar."


Myntra has launched its first digital reality show "Myntra Fashion Superstar" which is basically a talent show looking for "FASHION INFLUENCER" on Myntra app. In association with Zoom Studios, this show identifies & awards India's next big fashion influencer. The show consists of eight episodes featuring 10 contenders competing against each other. They will also be guided and judged by a star-studded panel of judges from the world of Bollywood, TV and fashion, including Bollywood diva Sonakshi Sinha and leading celebrity stylist, Shaleena Nathani.

But back to us,

11 Reasons Why You Need a Mobile eCommerce App | BuildFire


Sales from mobile devices have completely taken over the e-commerce industry. Take a look at your sales metrics and see what devices your customers are shopping from. There's a good chance that a large chunk of these people are browsing and buying using smartphones and tablets. In fact, 67% of all eCommerce sales worldwide come from mobile devices. Within the next two years, mobile commerce will control 73% of all eCommerce sales worldwide.


Ecommerce Statistics for 2021 - Chatbots, Voice, Omni-Channel Marketing

At the end of the day, everything you do should increase your KPIs. Tracking conversions is a great place to start. Let's take a look at the difference between mobile app conversions and website conversions. When you look at these numbers side by side, the app is obviously the winner. Consumers see 286% more products and add items to their carts at an 85% higher rate when shopping from an app compared to a web version. Products viewed per session and add-to-cart rates are great, but the only thing that really matters is conversions. Well, mobile apps convert at a rate 130% higher than desktop or mobile version sites. Imagine how much more money you can make by instantly increasing conversion rates by 130%.


Customise Push Notifications Using 5 Unique Strategies - Quokka Labs

So you spend a lot on marketing for email communications and social media campaigns to try to reach your customer base on other channels. But with an app, you'll have a better way to communicate with your customers: PUSH NOTIFICATIONS. Take a look at the engagement rates of push notifications versus traditional EMAIL MARKETING. Sixty percent of users open a push notification, compared to just 20 percent in email. Once the message is opened, 40% of people click or have an interaction with a push notification compared to just 5.4% in email. Clearly, push notifications are a better way to connect with your customers. This is because the user doesn't have to do anything. To reach a customer via social media, you have to rely on them using that social platform, seeing your post or ad, navigating to your website and then converting from there. That's too many steps. The same goes for email communication. A person has to sign up to receive emails from you, then open your message, read the content and click a link just to get to your site. With push notification, a message will appear directly on a user's home screen, just like a text. When that message is opened, the user will be directed to the app, so it's much easier for them to buy.


We've already covered that an ecommerce app improves the user experience and also increases conversion rates. But these aren't the only monetary benefits. An app will also increase the average order value (AOV). Because it's easier for people to navigate when shopping from an app. This gives them a greater opportunity to see what you're offering.


Personalization is a crucial component of an eCommerce success. Some of you may already be using personalization tactics to improve sales. For example, when a customer signs up to receive emails from your company, you could segment them into a category based on factors such as age, gender or location. Then you can send targeted emails to improve their experience. Or when a user visits your site, you can customize the homepage according to their preferences. These are some basic tactics that are used by most eCommerce sites. An app takes personalization to the next level. With an app, you'll be able to track a user's browsing and purchase history to offer personalized recommendations. This is also possible from a traditional eCommerce, but it depends on the customer - who's always connected, so it's much easier to do from an app.


A great way to get your customers to spend more is to implement a loyalty program. Additionally, consumers are 82% more likely to purchase from sites that offer loyalty programs. An app allows customers to see their status within a program in real time, which ties back to our earlier point about personalization. A loyalty program gives your customers an incentive to spend more to reach their next reward.


Cart abandonment is a major problem for any eCommerce. It is one of the most important KPIs that you should monitor. The reason cart abandonment is so frustrating is because the customer is usually only one or two clicks away from finalizing the purchase. So what went wrong? These are some of the main reasons for cart abandonment.

  • Extra costs such as shipping and taxes - 60%.
  • Being forced to create an account - 37%
  • Long and complicated checkout process - 28%.
  • Could not see or calculate total cost - 23%.
  • The site crashed or had errors - 20%.
  • Didn't trust site to leave credit card information - 19%

Aside from money, the most common reasons for cart abandonment are related to user experience. But apps eliminate these issues. As you can see, apps have the lowest cart abandonment rate compared to mobile sites or desktop sites. E-commerce apps reduce hassles in the checkout process. Once a customer buys something, all of their preferences are saved in the app's settings. So, when it comes the time to buy something again, you won't have to manually type in your name, shipping address and billing information. The entire purchasing process can be completed in a couple of clicks. Apps make it easier to accept alternative payment methods as well. Examples of popular payment options are Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal. If you integrate these methods into your checkout page, a user can buy something simply by scanning their fingerprint. Every extra step in the checkout process gives the customer the opportunity to abandon the cart. By reducing the number of steps with an app, you'll keep abandonment rates low.


People spend more money on better customer service. In fact, 73% of retail consumers say they are encouraged to shop longer and spend more after a good customer service experience.

For example:

  • You can also implement live chat support directly through the app.
  • Allow your customers to track their orders, from the moment something is purchased to the second it is delivered to their doorstep.

While this is also possible from a regular site, the UX will be significantly better if it is facilitated by an app.


How many of your sales come from repeat customers? Studies show that attracting new customers can be up to 25 times more expensive than selling to an existing one. But increasing customer retention rates by as little as 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%. 38% of users return to an eCommerce app 11 times or more after downloading it.


Apps don't even require the user to type in the name of an item, they can just use the audio search feature. With the rise of audio search, most people require this feature in an app to search for an item without typing its name. In short, the audio search feature is a must for your eCommerce app.


Another cool feature is that the apps allow you to easily share article images on platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Pinterest and other social media platforms. This can help customers get reviews from their friends and facilitates quick decision making. Whether it's a single image or many product images, you can share on the platforms to ensure the quality and type of product.


The numbers speak for themselves. We've given you 11 data-driven reasons why apps needs to be a priority for all eCommerce businesses. Here's a summary of some of the most important KPIs.

  • Increased conversions
  • Average value of the highest order
  • Reduced dropout rates
  • Higher retention rates

We don't know an eCommerce owner who doesn't want to improve these metrics. Moreover, consumers prefer apps. This is a reality that can no longer be ignored.

Now that you understand why an app is so important to your eCommerce business, it's time to take action, contact us!

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